The Drought

I haven’t wrote in this for a hell of a long time, I realize and apologize. And I’ll upload photos soon too!

The picture is from possibly the coolest Launderette/Cafe in the world. Laundromat cafe in Nørdhavn. Really good vibe in there, friendly staff, Wifi, good coffee, ACE muffins, around 4000books scattered around the bar area? Did I mention it serves beer too?! And its open till midnight which is wicked. Oh and you can do your laundry there, which I did/do. Really good concept for a launderette actually, wish there was something like it at Uni.

I just kinda told myself I wouldn’t write again until I’d actually finished my work. And now I have. 31pages (24 Danish pages*), 10053 words yada yada BOOM. Smug doesn’t describe it. So I’m disappearing to Stockholm and Oslo after writing this. Like literally. My train leaves at 8.23.

So up until this point I’ve been sat in the library all day every day? Almost… I’m not really a day worked but I’ve made it in at 10am a few times. Honestly to finish 2 weeks before deadline is really not me. At all. I’m a “still writing on the morning of deadline and hope for the best” kinda person…

So yeah before this I’ve…:
Got involved in a surprise birthday party (and even sung happy birthday) for Lucy since its her birthday over here which was really nice. The birthday cake was top notch too! With that, happy birthday Jake! Since I won’t be around for your actual birthday may as well give you a shout on here.

Participated in the acquistation and distrobuting of citybikes. (Yeh stole a few more, they’re gone now mind?? Had a nice collection brewing outside!) But then also fell off said bike and woke up covered in deep cuts which have only just begun to heal properly. Like it was horrible, I ad no recollection of this; to the point where Lil said I was just darting down the road on the bike and dropped. Not sure if that was the one that cut me, or the one outside my flat when I got back as my landlord “heard a loud crash outside” and then a few moments later I stumbled in apparently. And then left blood in the sink. Nice. Safe to say I don’t remember that, but it was a pretty messy night after a party in the humanities department (Bottles of wine for 30kr?!) and free shots too. But my night ended in my head after that, I don’t remember going to the Studenthusset where apparently I buzzed and kept asking for tequila? Least it was a nice shot I asked for…

We’ve actually had our last class here, pretty gutted. Jes is an awesome tutor and I prefer the lessons over here, but on his last session he brought us all in traditional Danish lunch for us to sample. Lots of Rye Bread, Pickled Herring, Pickled Cucumber, Onions, Salmon and White Bread (and Cheese but he forgot). Oh and some random brown meat patte thing than really tastes infinitely nicer than it should do looking like that. I’ll try and work out what it was called… If you ever get the chance to sample all this, DO. It’s really nice and apparnelty healthy according to Jes. Don’t forget though, Fish first, Cheese last, all on separate plates if you’re dignified (and enjoy washing up). That same day we went to a talk with the EU president. It was actually really interesting, especially with the elections coming up, and because I study politics and next year I’m going a course on the EU. I hate to say it but I wish people like that visited Lancaster. Ah well… Obama next year, maybe?

I can also finally say I saw Benga. 2hour set @ VEGA. Was sick, not a bad club either. MSTRKRFT is playing tonight and I promised myself I’d go… unless something amazing happened. Amazing is happening though so I’ll live!

I also watched Barca play against a bunch of disinterested fools and win the Champions League. *Sigh*. BUT then a riot happened in Copenhagen of all places. Once I’m back I’ll upload the pics, but honestly it was like a scene in a movie. The Barca fan started lighting flares, then the crowd split into two sides, with people (ringleaders, I suppose) going closer to the other fans and goading them. Ignore the fact that these were fairly short, stumpy guys who just looked like mentalists, this was actually happening. And then something snapped and they all charged towards each other. Flares randomly kept going off, and a guy we’d met ended up penned up in a security fence, timeout I suppose. I didn’t know you got militant fans in Denmark, that is easily the angriest I’ve seen people over here. By a mile.

So anyway… Stockholm and Oslo. Literally finalised it yesterday after considering it on a whim for a few days. I figured I’ve got nothing to do now, everyone else is busy writting their essays so why not? I’m heading to Stockholm solo, then visiting a friend in Oslo. Pretty damn excited, but I’m sure I’ll forget something but I’ll get over it. Definitely not bringing the laptop though, would be pissed if I lose it, standard. I’ll be back around the 4th if I time this right and don’t get lost/beaten up/gain Swedish Citizenship heh. Pretty much if you have a slight urge to do something, and can do it. DO IT. Why not? Beats wishing you had.

So my train leaves København H at 8.23. That is just over an hour yet. Should put something in my bag and make those jam butties.


*A Danish page is your character (not word) count of 2400 words. So work out how many characters (including spaces and footnotes, but excluding coverpage, contents and bibliography) and divide it by 2400. Mine came to like 24.3. 25 is the maximum.

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