Beijing, Prelude

Well. I arrived without losing my passport on the plane at least. Makes a dramatic improvement from Copenhagen eh? A little fore-grounding might be needed so here it is: The reason I happened to be in China for 3 or so weeks was because I was attending BFSU, unancronymoniously known as Beijing Foreign Studies University, […]

Posted at 23:18 on July 26, 2009 | Leave a comment | Filed Under: Beijing | Continue reading

“I wouldn’t let you fly”

Quick post to say how on earth I managed to leave Copenhagen… First up I’d like to thank these people for providing me with documents which helped me to leave Denmark: Jill Harpley The Head of Student Registry The International Office Beaver Thanks guys. It worked. For those who ain’t in the know, basically I […]

Posted at 10:53 on July 25, 2009 | Leave a comment | Filed Under: Copenhagen | Tagged: | Continue reading


You actually clicked this? Guess I should explain what i’m doing then pffft.

I’m writing for 3 reasons.

1. I can show off my photos, innit.

2. Can keep people updated on what i’m doing all in one go.

3. I have an insane amount of writing to do whilst i’m here so warming up on this will do me good.

So whilst i’m farting around in Copenhagen (and the rest of scandinavia..) and then Beijing you can stalk me or whatever. I’m writing what’s on my mind at the time…
