Fifteen to One

Any photo’s this week are here. Clickety click?

According to the good overlords at Wikipedia, Fifteen to One is:

“Fifteen to One was a popular general knowledge quiz show broadcast on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom. It ran from 4 January 1988 to 19 December 2003, and had a reputation for being the toughest quiz on TV.”

I can now emphatically state that ‘Fifteen to One’ now has the reputation for the least desirable ratio of guys to girls in a club (or life in general?). Lil on the other hand might have loved it, couldn’t quite work that out. However, despite this 15-1 ratio it still was an awesome night!

Before I get to that though, I actually thought I was going to write this alot earlier than I got around to it so I have a lil bit before that…

FCK 3 – 0 Aalborg

Great game. Always said I’d get myself down to watch some footy whilst I was here, finally managed it. £12 to watch the biggest team in Denmark play at home, in the national stadium? That’s about the only bargain aside from beer by the crate in the whole of this country. The stadium itself is pretty big, probably around 32000 seater, so not big by Premiership standards but big enough. I imagine that in a big game the atmosphere would be wicked as well, but this just was not a big game and Aalborg sucked something serious. It was cool to watch though, and FCK played quite well. Thing is we were in the family stand, where they didn’t chant and I was surrounded by ickle children. Not cool. I kind of wished I was in the singing stand – even if I couldn’t understand I word they were saying – they were constantly bouncing up and down and looked like they were having a good time, which is what it’s all about. They were doing some quite bizarre things mind, and even turned their backs on the game at one point which I really couldn’t understand, for them it must have been sick banter though.

Aside from football (and we did watch a lot… Readings games… United games… Barca games…) we did do other things too. Lest not deny that United did well, and Chelsea got what they deserved mind. But anyway. It was Denmark’s Liberation Day on May 4th, this passed me by completely until we were in the Liberation Museum. Literally we stumbled in by chance. It was amazingly interesting, yeah mostly because we do history, but it was completely new to me. Possible essay inspiration maybe. What was really cool though is just another example of how friendly people were, I was just (possibly blankly, don’t quite remember my expression) at some photo’s and descriptions and this random woman comes up to me and explains the significance of it all. That has never happened to me in a British Museum, ever. It made me smile 🙂

On the way out I took a photo of these tulips because they are my mum favourite flower / I may be a bit of a mummy’s boy?

We also had our second and final ‘school trip’ (div…) which was basically a tour of the city. But seeing things that are historically noteworthy, that kind of thing. Wish we had those in Lancaster. And I have to say that our tutor is easily the smartest person who has ever taught me. I feel in awe (no joke) whenever he opens his mouth. If he was your dad he’d have random facts for days FACT. The others know what I’m talking about haha. Oh and you wish your libraries had gardens this lush…

But back to the fifteen to one situation. To be fair, this had all the signs pointing to a bad night. First up, it was a national holiday, something we failed to realize. Basically it meant that Netto (the source of reasonably priced beverages) was closed. Strike one. Secondly, when we got to Lee’s, it started leaking the kind of rain out the sky that gets you soaked. Rain that I don’t mind but girls (“but my hair!”) do. Strike two. Third, the club we ended up going to was relatively dead, people wise. Strike three. Surely no night can recover from those blows? I’ll not lie and claim I was feeling optimistic haha. Thing is, everything seemed to work out. We got our bevies from some random shop near Lee’s that was open and pretty cheap, admittedly the rain didn’t stop till we left the club, but it did ease up a bit. To top it off, the music was sick in the club (Dub and D&B) so we just raved it out until the sun came up. Literally. It must have been about 4.15ish when we left I really don’t remember. All this even though there was a point where me and Will were off the dancefloor and casually observed Lil was raving on the dancefloor. Surrounded by 15 dudes. The truth is that the music was that good this wasn’t a problem, or unusual. Heck I got involved and made it 16 to 1 haha.

Here was the issue. I was far from home with no form of public transport to take me back (S-Train started at 5.45, didn’t fancy that wait, i’d end up eating my weight in McDonalds…). When we got to Norreport station though, we came across a Citybike. For those not in the know, CPH is littered with these bikes in ‘lockers’, you slot in 20kr and it unlocks, you can ride it all around the central area of the city, which is pretty much zone 1. You’re meant to put them back in a locker after use to get your money back, but they generally get to a locker eventually because you just pick them up anywhere. This is what happened here, the bike was just lying around, so I picked it up. Thing is… I live in zone 2, quite a way away from the nearest bike locker, and quite a way away from my house too, these bikes are rubbish (no gears… or brakes, you have to pedal backwards to brake I shit you not) so I wasn’t up for biking from here. So after commandeering this bike, I take it to the met station to get on the met with the others… thing is there are some inspector people just chilling inside the station. Great. I’m drunk though so don’t really give that much though, I’m more panicking that it costs money to get a bike on the metro (dogs too). So the met arrives and I quickly scuttle on, dump the bike inside and sit quite far away. Result. The inspectors for some reason don’t stop of question it either.

So I make it off at my station and ride home. I kind of forgot about the uphill bit. Painful. Cannot underestimate how terrible that bike is. Gotta love it though. Got in at 5.15, attempted msn and then passed out. Standard.

Essay word count : 0/~10000 (looking more like 6/7k now though… “20-25 pages including references”).

PS Watch this. As if I’d finish without the 15-1 theme tune. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a serious bunch of contestants!

And a video of our trip to Sweden by Jake. Very cool. I’d click.

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