A few week 3 pics, not alot but theyll be more later are heeeere. Click.

I don’t think I have actually been as happy as I am now after eating two pizza’s in one day. I had been involved (unwillingly) in a week long saga against the oven. Basically I wanted to cook, but it just wasn’t happening grrr. At all. Yes, I pressed the gas, and no there was no ignition. Yes I waved a match around like a loon inside of the cooker… and yes the cooker nearly exploded as it went BOOM and scared the shit out of me. But the other day was the day when my housemate returned and shown me how to light the oven. Man I feel like a dufus, it was seriously easy, but not obvious. So I celebrated.

(bolognese, if you must)

I was going to stop writing there and be done with it, but my smug two-pizza-in-one-day eating self does actually have a bit to say. We met Danes! Like properly haha, some pretty cool folk we met at the Studenthuset on Weds night we got talking to and exchanged contact details, so hopefully we’ll have some cool nights with them and we’ll get to know a bit more of the city. They showed us this pretty cool bar called Moose, which is relatively cheap (29Kr/Pint) and open till 5am! Safe to say I got in at a ridiculously late time, and had a trek from the Met stop, but that was easily worth it. I have never, ever seen a more graffiti’d bar mind. And the toilet was… wow.

Yeah I took pictures in the toilet.
Trampy? Yes.

(We actually got a letter in school about taking pictures in the toilet, that “covert pictures” were not allowed? So what, people were stealth taking pictures of people’s knobs whilst having a slash? Gross. Safe to see these are solo toilets, so expect no covert penis pictures, sorry)

And i’m going to LEGOLAND. The magical land of joy and joyness. Erm that’d be Candy Mountain (OMG CANDY MOUNTAIN THREE IS OUT) but yeah you get the picture. Only me, Alex Will and Kirsty are going but it should be fun, pretty much because its the international office organising it so we’ll get to meet more people which is always a bonus. Oh, and yeah… LEGO. The International Office are also putting on a trip to go and see FC Copenhagen play against Aalborg (I think) and we’ll end up going there too, should be a laugh and hey… we’re being proper international students?

I do have more to say but this post really was dedicated to that pizza haha. More later.

But my Spotify has stopped working.
You’re only allowed 14 days abroad.

My life.
Is over.

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